Squares together: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „This sketch receives OnMouseClick and MousePosition input. Each position of the mouse is visible on the screen as a little square and sent to the other player…“)
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Version vom 5. Mai 2020, 15:39 Uhr

This sketch receives OnMouseClick and MousePosition input. Each position of the mouse is visible on the screen as a little square and sent to the other player, and you receive the other player's keys in a different colour.


// S&&O SS2020 // course: *From Space to Space*
// this sketch receives keyboard input.
// each keypress is typed to the screen and sent to the other player,
// and you receive the other player's keys in a different colour.
// code based on example by Joël Gähwiler
// https://github.com/256dpi/processing-mqtt

import mqtt.*;
MQTTClient client;

///////////////////// DECLARE GLOBAL VARIABLES /////////////////////

// !!! CHANGE p1 and p2 depending on which player you are !!! //
String mePlayer = "/typing-together/grey/p2";
String otherPlayer = "/typing-together/grey/p1";

PFont f;
String t;
int letterWidth = 15;
int letterHeight = 40;
int x = letterWidth;
int y = letterHeight;


void setup() {
  client = new MQTTClient(this);
  client.connect("mqtt://SpielObjekt:5p13l0j3ct@broker.shiftr.io", "processing");

  size(600, 600);
  background(100);  //set background colour

  //printArray(PFont.list());  //print out list of available fonts
  f = createFont("Courier", 24);

void clientConnected() {
  println("client connected");

void messageReceived(String topic, byte[] payload) {
  t = new String(payload);
  println("new message: " + topic + " - " + t);
  fill(200, 130, 130);  //the other player's text will be this colour
  text(t, x, y);  //draw key on screen
  x+=letterWidth;  //increment position

// SEND & TYPE //

void keyPressed() {
  client.publish(mePlayer, str(key));  //send key to other player
  fill(100, 150, 150);  //your text will be this colour
  text(key, x, y);  //draw key on screen
  x+=letterWidth;  //increment position

void draw() {
  if (x > width-letterWidth) {
  if (y> height-letterHeight) {
    saveFrame();  //save an image of the window into sketch folder


void connectionLost() {
  println("connection lost");