Spekulative Objekte

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Spekulative Objekte

In diesem Kurs wurde beispielhaft aufbauend auf aktuelle wissenschaftliche Forschungsprozesse rund um das Thema "airborne particles" mit künstlerisch-kreativen Methoden versucht spekulative Objekte zusammen zu entwerfen. Diese Seite soll einen Überblick über die im Kurs ausgeführten Übungen und diverse entstandene Materialien geben, um eine Möglichkeit zu bieten diese auch in das eigene Arbeiten zu integrieren.


Unsere Übungen begannen mit einer kurzen Einführung in aktuelle Forschungsmethoden und Wissensbestände rund um das Thema "airborne particles" im tieranatomischen Museum in der Charité in den Räumen der Ausstellung "Stretching Materialities". Mehr zu dieser Forschung und zur Ausstellung auf Clemens Website: https://clemenswinkler.com/narrative-materials.html Nach dieser Einführung haben wir damit begonnen mit unterschiedlichen Übungen individuell und in der Gruppe unsere eigenen Airborne Particles zu entwerfen und in verschiedenen praktischen Übungen mit diesen kollektiven Imaginationen in Kontakt zu treten.

Vorläufiger Seminarplan

Speculative Objects Seminar 
Clemens Winkler 
Master Spiel&&Objekt 
02.12. - 10.12.2021 

Part I: Speculating Exercise – More-Than-Human 
Thursday, 02.12.2021  

   10pm Meeting at TAT «Stretching Materialities – Hidden Activities in Objects and Spaces» 
   11.40pm SPECULATING Workshop starting in Rotunda (Intro Round with A. Neimanis´ Mapping Exercise) 
           12.00pm BREAK
   13.00pm Intro Talk »Strange Airborne Particles« and mini exercise: Imagining your own »Strange Airborne Particle« (guided protocols) 
   14.00pm Presentation of your texts (1st iteration/ empathy with non-human agency) 
   14:30pm SITUATING: Your »Strange Airborne Particle« becomes Political Clouds (with photo / water mister) > shifted to Friday >  

Part 2: Materialising Exercise
Friday, 03.12.2021 

   10pm Wrap up on »Strange Airborne Particles« 
   10.30pm Setting up experimental stage 
   11:00pm Start Intro Talk on »Animating Materials« with N. Singer & N. Miodragovic 
   11:30-13pm Starting animating materials (hygromorphic structures) 
           13pm BREAK
   14pm Presentations of the mini movies and material samples and perspective 2nd week 
   16pm T. Morton lecture on Hyposubjectivity (Hyperobjects) postponed to Spring 2022 

Part 3: Main Project – Individual Mentoring 
Monday, 06.12.2021 – Tuesday, 06.12.2021
   10pm Curating “Mapping Exercises with Body” at S&&O atelier (collecting terminologies, techniques, materials) 

Friday, 06.12.2021 
   11pm Final presentations: Perform two »Body Mapping Exercises« of/with/in your final »Strange Airborne Particle« (free in media use and atmospheric condition)



Cloud Studies: https://forensic-architecture.org/investigation/cloudstudies
Ecological Reparation: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLPR23DQu5W4W6EARdDCT2Q
Nature´s Queer Performativity, Barad: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5250/quiparle.19.2.0121
Symbiotic Earth: How Lynn Margulis rocked the boat, 2019 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/symbioticearthhv
Real-Time Earth Mappings: https://earth.nullschool.net
Real-Time Earth Mappings: https://rammb-slider.cira.colostate.edu
Prologue to the Sky River, Hunchuk, E. https://averyreview.com/issues/53/prologue-to-the-sky-river
Politics of the Atmosphere, MA, RCA: https://www.rca.ac.uk/study/schools/school-of-architecture/architecture/ads-themes-2019-20/ads7-something-air/
Rosa Whiteley: https://2020.rca.ac.uk/students/rosa-whiteley
Susan Schuppli, https://susanschuppli.com
Ingold, Footprints through the weather-world: walking, breathing, knowing: https://quote.ucsd.edu/sed/files/2014/09/Ingold-Footprints-through-the-Weather-World.pdf
on DeLillos Toxic Cloud: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334124291_Non-human_Agencies_in_Don_DeLillo%27s_White_Noise_Published_Conference_Presentation
Matters of Activity Cluster: https://www.matters-of-activity.de/en/
T. Morton: http://ecologywithoutnature.blogspot.com
Material Abturner https://mittelalter.hypotheses.org/10617#_ftn36

Books / Articles: Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology After the End of the World, Morton, T., 2013
Bodies of Water: Posthuman Feminist Phenomenology, Neimanis, A., 2019
New Dark Age: Technology and The End of the Future, Bridle, J., 2018
We are the weather, Foer, J., 2019
AirSpora, Lacey, M., 2006
The World without us, Weisman, A., 2008
Atmosphere Anatomies, Benedito, S. et al, 2020
Mushroom at the End of the World, Tsing, A., 2017
Condition Suspension, Choy, T.: https://journal.culanth.org/index.php/ca/article/view/ca30.2.04
Vibrant Matter: A Political Theory of Things, Bennett, J., 2010
Vibrancy Effect, https://v2.nl/publishing, 2010
Design Struggles: Intersecting Histories, Pedagogies, and Perspectives, Mareis, C., 2021
More-Than-Human, Jaque, A., 2019
Resonant Worlds: Messeri, L., 2017
Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, Haraway, D., 2016
Das terrestrische Manifest, Latour, B., 2018

Airborne Particles


Spekulativer Steckbrief eines Airborne Particles

Bild eines Steckbriefes

Interaktionen von Airborne Particles

Versuchsanordnungen für spekulative Objekte
