Connected mouse

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I experimented with how I can somehow "connect" the two players' mouses. Everytime I draw a line, there is also some drawing around the other persons mouse position dependant on my movement.

Connection test.png

/// using mqtt protokoll via

import mqtt.*;
MQTTClient client;

/// Connection to other player 
String mePlayer = "/playing-together/red/p1/xy";
String otherPlayer = "/playing-together/red/p2/xy";

/// variables for position of others players mouse
int otherMouseX = 0;
int otherMouseY = 0;
int otherPreviousMouseX = 0;  //to keep track of last mouse position for drawing line
int otherPreviousMouseY = 0;

int xMovementMe = 0;
int yMovementMe = 0;
int xMovementOther = 0;
int yMovementOther = 0;

//set fix color for players
int p1color, p2color;

// time variables for mqtt
long timeStamp; 
int delayTime = 1000/35;

//int mouseClick = 1;

void setup() {
  client = new MQTTClient (this);
client.connect("mqtt://", "YOUR_SHIFTER_IO_Username");
  size(600, 600);

  p1color = #AD2C2C;  // color for player 1
  p2color = #230E9D; // color for player 2

// RECEIVE messages of other player///

void clientConnected() {
  println("client connected");

void messageReceived(String topic, byte [] payload) {
  // the incoming MQTT "message" is a String: "xValue,yValue"
  // to unpack it we use the "split" function:
  String incomingPayload = new String(payload);
  String [] xy = split(incomingPayload, ',');
  if (int(xy[0])== 0 && int(xy[1])== 0) {
  } else {
    println("new message: " + topic + " x: " + xy[0] + " y: " +xy[1]);
    otherMouseX = int(xy[0]);
    otherMouseY = int(xy[1]);

//SEND my mouse x, y //

// DRAW 

void draw() {

  xMovementMe = mouseX-pmouseX;
  yMovementMe = mouseY-pmouseY;
  xMovementOther = otherMouseX-otherPreviousMouseX;
  yMovementOther = otherMouseY-otherPreviousMouseY;

  strokeWeight(5);  //line thickness

  if (otherMouseX != otherPreviousMouseX) {

    if (mePlayer == "/playing-together/red/p1/xy") {
    } else if (mePlayer == "/playing-together/red/p2/xy") {
    line (mouseX, mouseY, mouseX+xMovementOther, mouseY+yMovementOther);
  // set right color for player //
  if (otherPlayer == "/playing-together/red/p1/xy") {
  } else if (otherPlayer == "/playing-together/red/p2/xy") {
  line(otherPreviousMouseX, otherPreviousMouseY, otherMouseX, otherMouseY);
  otherPreviousMouseX = otherMouseX;  //update previous to be current
  otherPreviousMouseY = otherMouseY;  //update previous to be current

void mouseDragged() {
  //the MQTT connection will close if you send more than 25 operations per second!
  //so we implement a delay to SEND my coordinates only every xxx milliseconds:
  if (millis() - timeStamp > delayTime) {
    timeStamp = millis();
    client.publish(mePlayer, mouseX + "," + mouseY);

  strokeWeight(5); // set line thickness

  // set right color for player //
  if (mePlayer == "/playing-together/red/p1/xy") {
  } else if (mePlayer == "/playing-together/red/p2/xy") {
  line (pmouseX, pmouseY, mouseX, mouseY);

  //set right color for player //
  if (mePlayer == "/playing-together/red/p1/xy") {
  } else if (mePlayer == "/playing-together/red/p2/xy") {
  line (otherMouseX, otherMouseY, otherPreviousMouseX+xMovementMe, otherPreviousMouseY+yMovementMe);

// reset canvas //

void keyPressed() {
  client.publish(mePlayer, 0 + "," + 0);

void connectionList() {
  println("connection lost");