Typing together

Aus hyperdramatik
Zur Navigation springen Zur Suche springen

This sketch receives keyboard input. Each keypress is typed to the screen and sent to the other player, and you receive the other player's keys in a different colour.


// S&&O SS2020 // course: *From Space to Space*
// this sketch receives keyboard input.
// each keypress is typed to the screen and sent to the other player,
// and you receive the other player's keys in a different colour.
// code based on example by Joël Gähwiler
// https://github.com/256dpi/processing-mqtt

import mqtt.*;
MQTTClient client;

///////////////////// DECLARE GLOBAL VARIABLES /////////////////////

// !!! CHANGE p1 and p2 depending on which player you are !!! //
String mePlayer = "/typing-together/grey/p2";
String otherPlayer = "/typing-together/grey/p1";

PFont f;
String t;
int letterWidth = 15;
int letterHeight = 40;
int x = letterWidth;
int y = letterHeight;


void setup() {
  client = new MQTTClient(this);
  client.connect("mqtt://SpielObjekt:5p13l0j3ct@broker.shiftr.io", "processing");

  size(600, 600);
  background(100);  //set background colour

  //printArray(PFont.list());  //print out list of available fonts
  f = createFont("Courier", 24);

void clientConnected() {
  println("client connected");

void messageReceived(String topic, byte[] payload) {
  t = new String(payload);
  println("new message: " + topic + " - " + t);
  fill(200, 130, 130);  //the other player's text will be this colour
  text(t, x, y);  //draw key on screen
  x+=letterWidth;  //increment position

// SEND & TYPE //

void keyPressed() {
  client.publish(mePlayer, str(key));  //send key to other player
  fill(100, 150, 150);  //your text will be this colour
  text(key, x, y);  //draw key on screen
  x+=letterWidth;  //increment position

void draw() {
  if (x > width-letterWidth) {
  if (y> height-letterHeight) {
    saveFrame();  //save an image of the window into sketch folder


void connectionLost() {
  println("connection lost");