OSC in Arduino

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Download OSCuino Library

Download OSCuino library from github: https://github.com/CNMAT/OSC Code –> Download ZIP

Install OSCuino Library

Arduino Menu: Sketch –> Include Library –> Add .ZIP Library select .ZIP file

Code Example: send OSC message

Example for sending data from one device to another in the same network. Could be from an ESP to a computer or from and ESP to another ESP.

// Code for
// ESP32 DEVKIT V1 38pin version
// reads an analog value and sends it as OSC message
// when uploading code: sometimes necessairy
// to presss&hold the "BOOT" button
// when you see the following lines:
// "Connecting........_____....._____....."

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <OSCBundle.h>

#define SENSOR_PIN_1 36

// OSC-Stuff ----------------------------------------------------------

///////////////////// VARIABLES TO EDIT /////////////////////////////
IPAddress outIp = {192, 168, 236, 90};  // IP Adress of Receiver PC
const char *ssid = "Ladenlokal";  // wifi name
const char *password = "puppe2010";  // wifi password (min. 8 characters)
const char *hostName = "myName";  // choose a name for your device
const char *oscAddress = "/myAddress/mySubAddress";  // choose an OSC address for sending your messages to
int sendFrequencyMillis = 40; // send new OSC message every somany milliseconds

WiFiUDP Udp;
const unsigned int localPort = 9000; // not needed
const unsigned int destPort = 6448;

float s1; // variablee for storing sensor value
unsigned long millisOld;  // variable for keeping track of time passed

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200); // begin serial connection

  WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // WiFi mode station (connect to wifi router only)
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password); // begin wifi connection

  // Wait for connection:
  uint16_t timeOut = 0;
  while ((WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) && (timeOut < 10)) {

  Serial.print("local IP address: ");

  Serial.print("Listening at port: ");

void loop() {
  s1 = analogRead(SENSOR_PIN_1);  // read sensor value

  if (millis() >= (millisOld + sendFrequencyMillis)) {
    millisOld = millis();  // update millisOld to be able to keep track of time
    Serial.println(s1);  // print sensor value

    // publish sensor value over OSC:
    if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)
      OSCMessage msg(oscAddress);

      Udp.beginPacket(outIp, destPort);

Code Example: receive OSC message

Upload Sketch

Tip: sometimes you need to press and hold the BOOT button on the ESP while the Arduino IDE is trying to program.

“Hard resetting via RTS pin…” means the upload was successful